Color Coded Closet

I'm on a throw-out-unnecessary junk phase. I love doing this. Anti-clutter me. (How I want to be. The reality: I live with 4 males.)  So I'm in my closet, going through clothes, and I look at the rainbow. Yes, my closet is color-coded. Blacks and browns together. Whites alone. Pinks & purples, then blues and greens. Not a hint of yellow because I don't care for it. Reminds me of puke and snot and makes me look sallow.

Geez, you'd think I'm trying to be charmingCharlies

But anyway, it dawns on me that I am a tad up-tight in some things. Even in my writing. I am a Plotter. I have to have all my details and scenes lined up in pretty little color-coded rows, and will stare at a blank pad of paper, twiddling my pen if I don't know beforehand where my scene is going. Free-writing-spirit I am not.   

Though sometimes I'd like to just let my story go where it's going to go. I do envy writers with that Pantser's Spirit. (A Pantser: a writer with the ability to write by the seat of her pants.)

Ah, well, plotting works for me so I'm going to stick with it. Just like I'm going to keep my closet system. It makes me happy.

So what does your closet look like?

Note: So as I'm writing this, Pat goes and puts a red shirt right in the middle of my whites and strolls by my desk, grinning.

High-Heels and Slippers

While at my local RWA chapter's conference The Texas Two-Step, I happened to meet a fellow writer in the little cafe. She sat down by herself at a table next to mine so I asked her to hop on over. Pretty soon we added two more people we didn't know yet. It was a lot of fun.
The first thing I noticed about Ella Slayne was her awesome English accent and exuberant personality. She really really was fun to get to know and so sweet and smiling all the time. We had each recently published a book with Createspace so we swapped them. 
I'll admit chick-flicky types of books aren't the first books I reach for. I can count on one hand, minus the thumb, how many I've read, but I adored Ella so dove into her book right away.

And fell in love with her Brit living in Texas character Josie Jenkins. At first Josie is a bit of a mess, but she's hilarious and muddles through until some experiences, some tragic and heartfelt, she discovers herself.

It didn't make me fall in love with chick-flicks or want to start seeking them out, but I'm really glad I read this one and will definitely read anything else Ella writes.

And as a bonus, I learned a bunch of new English words and phrases. Some, I'm still guessing at the meaning.

Shiving off (sluffing, I think)
Charty (bad aftertaste)
Beavered (worked hard)
A bit full on (over the top)
Flumped (flopped? as in flopped onto the sofa)
Chuttering (muttering)
Hoiked up (hiked up her skirt?)
Tip (mess)
Trollied (drunk)
Faffed about
Was glutted
In Queue (standing in line)
Knackered (tired)
Well-turned-out  (looks nice?)
Windscreen (windshield)
Motorway (highway)
Nipped (went)
Fob off (don't BS me)
Barmy (crazy?)
Hire care (rental car)
Long slog
Gawping (oogling?)
Bit of a waller (screw-up)

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Happy Graduation Sweetheart!

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