Last Day at World Con

The Texas Capital at twilight. The hotel lost it's vibrancy after most of the conference goers left. It was kinda sad, so Heather and I went downtown to the Bob Bullock museum and watched Superman Returns in 3-D in their omni theather. Looking down at the floor of the museum.
Earlier, while the conference was still buzzing. Heather, me, & Faith at the Cheesecake Factory.

Texas star outside of the museum.

The Howards

Had to get a picture of the Howard Awards. Me & Sharon Shinn. She too, was very nice. I got a kick out of her at the awards ceremony. I happened to be sitting a few tables behind her. As they were doing a tribute for the artist John Palencar, every time one of her book covers that he had done came up on the screen, she raised her arms in glee. It was very cute to watch her excitement.

These are two new ya fantasy writers. Tiffany Trent & Sarah Durst. We met them at the cheesecake factory. They are both really cute and both have their first novels coming out in 2007. From their readings, they sound like really good books. I'm so excited for them and hope to be in their place one day with my first novel coming out. Of course I'm not young and cute, but whatever. I'm in my prime and brilliant! Heather on the 2nd floor

Carol N Douglas

we kept running into Carol N Douglas every time we made a turn. It was funny ... and strangely wierd. Here she is showing us her $1000 shoes, which she received gratis after she mentioned the name in one of her books. Nice perk, eh? Yes, yes, I should know the designer, but since I am so not in fashion (walmart shopper here) I've forgotten. If you really want to know, pop over into Faith's blog, she knows all about what's hot in the fashion world. I really need her to take me shopping to update my look. me and Ms. Douglas. Isn't she adorable in her vintage wear? And she was such a fun, generous, pleasant person. She really has a way of making people feel comfortable. I really liked her.

Paranormal Romance at World Con

Robin Owens, Gail Dayton, Jeri Smith-Ready, and Shanna Swendson Charlaine Harris
Me and Gail Dayton
Heather getting Gail Dayton's autograph
I sat beside Gail Dayton in the fantasy crossover panel. Gail Dayton! She was so down-to-earth. She came in, I think, prepared for the paranormal romance crossover to be put down, but happily that didn’t occur at all. Just the opposite. Yay for paranormal romance in the mainstream fantasy arena! She made comments to me throughout like a regular person, but honestly I was star struck the entire time, trying not to act like it.