My One True Love turns Fifty
My wonderful sweet husband is the big five-oh today. Neither of us is sure how that happened. We just started climbing the hill, and oh, hey, we're over the top and sliding down.
I'm just hoping this side of the slope is a lot smoother than the climb. Besides, we can always roll.
The first time I saw him twenty-five years ago, I was attracted at first sight. I came to Texas to visit a roommate from college and while we were doing the tourist things like Billy Bob's and the downtown cowtown strip, Peggy dragged us to this dive of a bar The Wedgewood Lounge because her friend from church (Pat) kept inviting her to come see his band play and she didn't want to go alone.
I could see why. There were more people in the band than there were occupants in the bar, one of which was slouched and sleeping over the bar.
But that was it for me. Good thing he was wearing jeans instead of his black spandex he claimed he sometimes rocked out in cuz that would have been a deal killer. *Shudders* What may never have been over black spandex. Oh, did those happen to get lost in the laundry? Sorry dear.
But spandex aside, I married an intelligent, confident, funny, sweet, forgiving, generous guy.
I love you sweetheart. Happy Birthday, Pat!!!