Highland Sorcerer

Highland Sorcerer is out today at Amazon. Hopefully it will be up soon at Barnes&Noble by tomorrow~

Charity Greves has the gift of healing. So when a naked bleeding Highlander materializes out of the air into her kitchen, she does what any rational free-thinking herbalist under the same circumstances would do--she heals him. She didn’t expect to be drawn back to the 13th Century where a dangerous whacked-out witch holds the handsome Highlander captive.

Nor is she prepared to be drawn so strongly to him that she’ll do whatever it takes to save him. 

Imprisoned by the witch, Toren Limont the High Sorcerer and Protector of the fae’s magic, uses the last of his magical reserves to go forward in time and find a healer the witch doesn’t have any influence over. He merely seeks the small respite a healing can give him in order to continue to withstand the witch’s tortures long enough for his clan and siblings to flee.

Until Charity falls with him through time as either his salvation or his entire clan’s downfall.


So my husband who is an amazing photographer had a few of his photos of Styx showcased on the Sagelight Editor blog.

See the rest at Sagelight.

Great Expectations Finalist

I am a Great Expectations Finalist in the Young Adult Category. Go me! I entered for the judge's feedback and to see if my manuscript really doesn't sux rocks like I was beginning to believe.

Which just goes to show you that a lot of rejections can drag down anyone's confidence. This brought it back up a notch or two. Now for the next round of judging. The YA entries go to editor Elizabeth Bistrow of NAL (a penguin imprint) for final judging so I already feel like I've won since that's the best prize anyway.

Great Expectations is the yearly writing contest for The North Texas chapter of Romance Writers of America.
See the entire list of finalists here. Congrats everyone.

Pinewood Derby time

 It only took us a decade and 4 cub scouts, but we finally managed to build a car that didn't come in dead last. Last year, our banana car actually popped its wheels mid-race. I swear we are the most pathetic racing family effeh...
 But this year, our final year I might add, since our youngest has reached the age to move into Boy Scouts from Cub Scouts, we got it right. I believe the secret formula was this: Mom doesn't get to touch it. Yeah, 'nough said. T's car actually won most of its heats and just barely was scraped out of the winner's circle.
We are all so proud!