No Stockings Were Hung

That's all of us two years ago in front of our stockinged fireplace.
Last year Christmas came only 3 months after Chase's death. We didn't put up a tree or stockings or any kind of decorations. We didn't even stay home, but left Dodge and had a different kind of Christmas in Galveston at the Marriott. 

This year at the insistence of my youngest, we put up a tree, put out our nativity, and a few sparse decorations. I went to hang the stockings, but froze. 

I know some people hang stockings for those who have passed away, but I couldn't. I couldn't bear seeing that hanging Christmas morning unfilled and hanging loose next to the others, nor could I not place Chase's there while I hung the rest. 

So I left the stockings in the box, closed it up, and put them all back in the garage.

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

This is, in fact, our living room.

Fun at Six Flags

T on the carousel. Had to make sure he got one that went up and down. 
My boys, K, T, S and K again
Me and my Mom in a spinning Bull (This is Texas)
Pat and I