Mum's the Word

The first time I saw a true Southern mum, I grabbed my husband's arm and said, "What. Is. That?" This lithe teenage girl walked across the parking lot with a monstrosity of ribbons and jangling streamers and flowers and teddy bears exploding off her chest. I'd never seen anything like it and couldn't comprehend the purpose in torturing this poor young child.

Dear Heart glanced over. "Oh, yeah. It's Homecoming Week." As if that explained everything. Now, a few states up north where I was raised, we did corsages, dainty little flowers with baby's breath that we went to great pains to make sure our dates matched to our dresses. The wrist corsage was in favor as it didn't take away from our dresses.

However, the phrase "Everything is bigger in Texas" takes on legendary proportions when it comes to Homecoming mums. If it doesn't cover your entire chest, make you need a back brace and is so heavy it is held up by ribbons worn like a necklace, then it just doesn't cut it. There are one mum mums, two mum mums and then the whopper three mum mums. And do not believe for one minute that they are not a status symbol. People will spend $500 or more to have an outstanding mum. The more ribbons stacked upon each other the better. Said ribbons are stylized with writing of sports and grade level and school and whatever. The teddy bears are dressed in sports or cheerleading or whatever uniforms. Boas, mediallions, cow bells, whistles, bubble blowers hang down with the ribbons.

And don't think that boys are spared from these torture devices or the "your girlfriend doesn't love you so much" if their mums are not very big vibe. They wear mums strapped to their forearms with garters. Then the mums are worn all day at school, to the football game and then to the dance. Pity the students walking the halls with no mums or smaller $50 versions. Sheesh.

As my Texan born and bred children (I'm the only non-Texan in our family) are sprouting into teenagehood, I've come to terms with the fact that like many parents here who aren't about to fork over hundreds of dollars for these superflucous flowers, I'm going to need to learn how to make them and the gawdier the better. Fortunately, the craft stores have everything on hand to create the busiest, heaviest mums that will make any teenagers chest look like it just threw up a stomachful of ribbons. Here's my first mum creations, completely white and silver since that is the color signifying Seniors. We went for the gawdy three mum mum. I have to admit I enjoyed turning the little bear into Drill team bear with the little hat and boots. Everything else I just rolled my eyes at as A kept saying, "more, more, more ribbons, mom."
Playin around with a banner maker. This is a free one from Bannersketch I made for my Dear Heart's band. Not bad for someone who's never made a banner before.
Generated image

Unleash your Story

My son Chase has cystic fibrosis so when I found out that there was a fundraiser for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation that involved writing and reading, I was in.

My goal is to write at least 15,000 words through the month of September. If you would like to join me and write your own goal of words written or words read for you readers, join in the fun.

I've also decided to donate my book proceeds for this month to the Foundation. I won't get a statement on how many books sold for several months though so you'll need to comment or email me if you buy one of my books so I can get the money in to the fundraiser faster.

Support my efforts!
Thank you for your support. Chase wouldn't have the quality of life he has without kind people like you.
As an Officer on her drill team this year, Alannah got to choreograph and teach the little girls one of the dances for their junior dance camp. She had a great time teaching them. Here's the dance.

Contest Winners

Here's Red drawing the winner from a hat.
l a mitchell has won a copy of Upon Eagle's Light and the moon inspired necklace. I'll be contacting you to get your mailing info.

And abookblogger and windycindy have each won an ebook copy. I'm so excited to get these out.

Speaking of contests, UEL's cover is entered in two contests. One at The New Covey Awards and the other is at The Author's Lounge If you like my cover, go to these sites and vote for it. Much obliged.

My first Contest

In Celebration of my first book coming out in Print March 7th, I'm holding my very first contest. It will run the entire month of March. March is one of my favorite months with all the "clovers" and "green" running around. And yes, I do have a wee bit of Irish in me, and wed a "Patrick" during a leap year. That'd be 5 leap years ago if ye care to do the math.

Back to the contest. The first place winner will receive a signed copy of Upon Eagle's Light in print and this beautiful moon inspired necklace I picked up at an antique shop.
It's beautiful, right? I love it and it's the closest thing I could find that fits the book, due to Eaglekins getting their ability from sunlight. (Yeah, I know, it's the moon not the sun, but I liked it.)

Two second place winners will receive an ebook copy of Upon Eagle's Light.

All you have to do is leave me a comment at the end of the post. Easy. I'll put your names in a hat and have my son (the red head of course) draw for the winners at the end of the month.

Let luck be with you and thanks for visiting.

It's here

They came in the mail. Yes, my book is in print. I can hold it in my hand and see my name scrolled across the bottom. It's an incredible feeling. Aren't these babies beautiful? Come back and visit my blog in March when I host my very first contest to celebrate the print release.

Parrot Flowers

Are these amazing or what? These rare flowers are protected in Taiwan. They cannot be exported anywhere else.

My Second Book is Released

It's out tomorrow. My second book. Yay me. This was a really fun one to write. I think I pummeled it out in a matter of days. I actually got cramps in my hand from this one, I wrote so fast. I couldn't get the story out quickly enough.

This is a romantic Time Travel. The thing that always worries me about Time Travel tales is that the person going back in time usually has some sort of knowledge pertinent to what is happening. Let's face it, if I went back in time to King Arthur's Court, just kill me now, cuz I have no idea what date any eclipses happened.

So I thought it would be a riot to have a character who doesn't know any historical facts travel back to the civil war. In fact the one piece of information that she does have is one of those things that history wrote wrong.

I hope you enjoy reading The Sweetheart Tree as much as I loved writing it. You can get it from The Wild Rose Press

Oh, yeah, notice all the initials carved into the tree on the cover. That's all in the book.