November has been one of those crazy kind of months that I'm not sure if I'm happy to see go or not. Like a roller coaster, there has been a lot of soaring highs followed by crashing lows.
Beginning the month, I went to the writers conference which was fabulous, then I had two days to work, get laundry going, pack, and off our family went to Disney World, which I'll blog about and put up pictures once everything slows down. Then a day or so after Disney, Chase got sick, put in the hospital to clear out his lungs for around 10 days. While he was there at Cooks Childrens in Fort Worth, the hospital in Dallas called and said they had set up his liver evaluation. We had been waiting for that, so we got Chase released early from Fort Worth early to be readmitted on the same day at Children's Medical Center in Dallas. He was supposed to come home last Thursday, but they keep finding other deeper infections and pancreatic stuff and more and more so now November is gone and Chase is still in the hospital. And I am so ready to just be able to be done with this for just a little a while.
Meanwhile, I've had some real interest in my book and have had my fingers crossed most of November as well. Again, I'll blog all about that as well once I've a chance to catch my breath. I'm off to work for a few hours, then up to the hospital to replace my sweetheart who has been there the last couple of days since I couldn't any more days off work.