Deeper Magic

Since I know how to post pics now, I thought I may as well put up my one and only claim to fame in writing so far (unless I include the essay contest I won in fourth grade from the national guard) I still have that plague and trophy on my shelf right next to a copy of this anthology that one of my short stories is in. Jase's Challenge, beginninng at page 65 if anyone cares to purchase one of the 14 copies left on Amazon. Geez, maybe I better get some since the wonderful little ezine that first published it then put it in their first anthology is no more. Darn shame.

Anyway, I don't really write that many short stories, favoring novels, but this one came from the heart. It's in a fantasy setting (where else?) featuring a veteran of the wars who is bitter and seeking a meaning to what he had fought for. Along the way he meets two young brothers who are trying to find a mother for a hatchling dragon they had taken in.

For a copy of your very own go to:

But we just got out . . .

So we barely get Chase home, thinking all is well for now, we shouldn't have to go back into the hospital for a while, and we can try and get our lives back on even ground again . . . when I let one of his friends come over because they haven't seen each other for a while. What could happen? The boys just like to play runescape on the computer. Well, Chase was lying on the floor and friend on the couch above him, when the friend simply rolled off and his elbow landed innocently in the middle of Chase's spleen.

Chase told me his stomach hurt, which is pretty much a daily occurance anyway. It was the next day that he told me exactly what happened because he didn't want me to be angry with his friend.

So I take him back to the hospital. I didn't even pack an overnight bag because I was so counting on them telling me he just bruised his stomach and to go home. No way could we end up here again so soon. I'm too exhausted. Our family can't take much more of this. But no, of course things can't be simple. Said elbow ruptured a hole in Chase's poor distended spleen about the length of my finger. This cannot be happening.

Then the fun began. Add a new specilist to our list of doctors, a spleen surgoen, Dr. Bliss. And apparently what to do with spleens is highly debated within the medical community. Is it better to take it out or just leave it in? But of course, ultimately, (they all look at me) that will be your decision. How do you make a decision like that?

But I really didn't have to. They pretty much decided among themselves, my pulmonologist who I trust immensely, explained what he thought would be best for Chase and waited for my nod of agreement. In most cases where the spleen is damaged this bad, they would simply remove it, but since Chase isn't an ordinary kid, they had to factor in whether the spleen was causing more damage or helping more. Yes, his spleen is wreaking havoc and causing all sorts of problems in his body, but it is also producing white blood cells, which Chase is low on anyway and will need to have in order to undergo a liver transplant which is inevitable now. At that time they will probably take out his spleen, but for now they will leave it alone and let the rupture heal on its own.

As for Chase's friend -- I haven't told him or his mother any of this, nor do I intend to. It was an accident. Chase's spleen was fragile. If it didn't happen this way, it would have happened another. Regardless of it not being his fault, how would you feel knowing your child seriously hurt another child? I hope they never find out. That said, I realize it will just take one of my kids to blurt it out.